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The Learning Lab: Trauma-informed Leadership

Updated: Oct 12, 2022

An unforeseen global pandemic has radically transformed our lives and functions in every context.

Amid uncertainty and anxiety, we look to leaders for guidance, connection, and stability. For this reason, leaders need to become well-versed in identifying trauma responses, including signs of burnout in themselves and their followers.

Theoretically, trauma-informed leadership correlates best with the transformational leadership approach in that it includes inspiration, optimism, encouragement, honesty, motivation, respect, team orientation, effective communication, empowerment, reliability, trustworthiness, and empathy. This approach stresses that leaders need to understand and adapt to the needs and motives of followers.

If we are so intertwined, we as leaders need to be acutely aware of the struggles that impact our followers and us to initiate change. We have pulled together our latest resource to help leaders start their journey to becoming the pillars of organisations we need to be in this current climate.

Clu Learning Labs - Trauma Informed Leadership
Download PDF • 166KB


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